
After the Hospital, New Center Offers Shelter to the Homeless

Samuel Raymond Curtis is very familiar with hospital stays. For the past two years, the 58-year-old homeless man who suffers from problems related to a hernia has been in and out of hospitals in Ventura County more times than he can count. Each time he got treated and released back onto the streets, he said. It wasn’t long before his health started deteriorating again. “I’d

Rising Temperatures Will Put Seniors at Risk, Experts Predict

The future is hot, and seniors, who are more prone to heat stress than younger adults, will be among those most affected by rising temperatures. With the over-65 population projected to expand rapidly in the coming decades, the accompanying hotter weather could place an enormous burden on emergency and health care infrastructure.

In Los Angeles’ Senior Communities, Promotoras Offer Health Guidance In Spanish

As California’s Latino population ages, promatoras are increasingly seen as a way to boost senior health in a way that honors their culture.

A promotora typically receives specialized training to provide information to residents in the Latino communities in which they live. Promotoras make house calls, go to PTA meetings and offer informal presentations in school classrooms.

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