Trixie is a young woman in her mid-20s who recently left an abusive relationship with a boyfriend. She came to my workplace, Walnut Avenue Family & Women’s Center, in Santa Cruz, seeking help from our restorative justice program.
What she was looking for wasn’t an accountability process for her abusive ex-boyfriend, but a means of addressing the trust broken by her friends who didn’t believe that the abuse was real.
California and Canada have about the same number of people – 39 million in California, 35 million in Canada. Both jurisdictions legalized medical aid in dying in 2016. Both have similar medical systems.
Yet in 2022, 13,241 Canadians took advantage of medical aid in dying, while only 853 Californians did so. Why the big difference?
Into the void left by a health care system that doesn’t offer sufficient translation services and an economy that demands grueling labor from low-wage workers, Punjabi residents in Fresno have created an organization to help each other.
A team of five community health workers visit Sikh temples and Punjabi-populated neighborhoods to assist in accessing health care.
I spent a recent afternoon querying three major chatbots on some medical questions that I already knew the answers to. I wanted to test the kind of information that AI can provide.
“How do you go surfing while using a ventilator?” I typed. It was an obviously silly question. But Meta’s AI suggested using “a waterproof ventilator designed for surfing” and “set the ventilator to the appropriate settings for surfing.”
The developmental disabilities service system is developing a Master Plan for Developmental Services.
We want to create a plan focused on equity for a community that is as diverse as our state. It should build on lessons learned over many years to create meaningful improvements to the systems that serve our community.
Our doctors are experiencing an alarming mental health crisis. Approximately one physician dies by suicide each day in the United States — a rate twice that of the general public and a loss that means a million patients lose their doctor to suicide each year.
A question about mental health on licensure applications must be amended to promote a healthier medical community.
California, through the Master Plan on Aging, has led the nation in recognizing the unique and increasingly urgent needs of older adults.
But Gov. Newsom’s recently released budget proposal for the 2025-26 fiscal year could cut aging and disability-focused programs. We’ve heard firsthand from older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers about the challenges in accessing support and affordable housing. Many people feel left behind by the system.
It’s been nearly two years since the U.S. Supreme Court eliminated the right to legal abortion in this country.
To be clear, this is not a crisis limited in scope to residents of states with bans. Patients from across the South have been relying on abortion providers in The Sunshine State as clinics in their own backyard shuttered.
The status quo is unacceptable — overall maternal mortality consistently ranks among the top causes of death among women ages 20 to 44 in the United States, and the rate has steadily increased since the 1990s.
The specialty of anesthesiology has been working to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality through best practices and use of quality metrics.
California’s about to bail programs overboard as it works to keep the state afloat amidst a huge budget deficit. It’s a problem, and I’m concerned for some programs that help children with special health care needs.
But I wanted to take a moment to talk about something that I don’t often bring up. Overall, California has the best health care for children and youth with special health care needs.
Last year when other Medi-Cal providers (like OBGYNs and doulas) were given a rate increase for their services, community health workers were left out.
As the California legislature begins discussions about how to streamline the state’s budget, we hope they will consider allocating money for this essential service.
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