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Mission Possible: Change the Story of Aging

In the heart of Los Angeles, the storytelling capital of the world, Paul Irving is busy changing the narrative of aging. Irving had already spent several years as head of The Milken Institute, a Los Angeles think tank shepherding dialogue on topics ranging from job creation to health and the global economy.

Teen Bullying Associated with Serious Psychological Distress, Study Finds

Nearly a third of California teens who were bullied later report serious psychological distress, a new study has found. About 30 percent of California teens who were victims of bullying reported that they were depressed, anxious or had other serious psychological distress in the months after, according to the report, published in the peer-reviewed California Journal of Health Promotion in October. Researchers found that teens

Higher Vitamin D Levels Linked to Better Breast Cancer Outcomes

 Vitamin D may help women fight breast cancer, new research suggests. Women who had higher vitamin D levels when they were diagnosed with breast cancer fared significantly better than those with lower levels, according to the study, published online Nov. 10 in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Oncology.

Celebrations and Fears: The Annual Gerontology Conference

The recent annual scientific meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in New Orleans was one part aging celebration, one part madhouse as 450 sessions over five days celebrated the successes and challenges of aging – and there were challenges aplenty.

Caring For Advanced Illness Through Faith Communities

Community health experts continue to connect with older adults through faith-based communities. The city of Fremont did this several years ago with its Community Ambassadors Program for Seniors. From churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues to community centers and beyond, health officials found faith communities already had deep ties within ethnic communities.

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