Author: Carly Stern

How to Have Trauma-Informed Conversations with Survivors of Domestic Violence

Being trauma-informed means understanding how trauma has impacted a person’s life, including their behavior and cognition.

Engaging in this type of dialogue can help survivors recognize when trauma is occurring and spare them from further harm. This involves providing a nonjudgmental, listening ear without jumping to problem-solving mode, and being careful not to insinuate that a survivor is to blame for the abuse.

Domestic Violence Survivors Often Don’t Want to Call the Police. California Tries A New Approach

In October, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that will fund pilot projects that provide alternative responses to domestic violence. While cities and jurisdictions have launched similar efforts, California is the first state to support such experiments at scale.

“It’s the biggest investment in alternative responses that the state has ever seen,” said Cat Brooks, of Justice Teams Network.

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