Author: Fran Kritz

Could Some in the U.S. Undergo Colonoscopies Too Often?

Many people still don’t follow published guidelines that recommend colonoscopies for most people ages 50 to 74 every ten years. But some in that age range are having the test too often, finds a new study by researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

CDC Study Finds Too Few Kids Getting Preventive Care

A new study by researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that millions of kids have not received some critical preventive services. These services include a hearing screening soon after birth, preventive dental care in order to avoid tooth decay and the HPV vaccine to protect against cervical cancer.

Hog Farm Workers May Pose Community Bacteria Risk

Half of all workers in industrial hog farms may carry potentially harmful bacteria in their nostrils, which can remain with the workers for up to four days after they are first exposed, days longer than researchers believed the workers harbored the microbes.

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