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How a Retired Catholic School Principal Became a Cannabis Dispenser

A retired Catholic school principal, Taylor isn’t your typical marijuana expert. But that works in her favor, she said, as she strives to remove the stigmatization surrounding medical marijuana.

The 70-year-old plans to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Berkeley in April. Her focus will be educating seniors and minorities on the medical benefits of cannabis.

Teen Exposure to Air Pollution Could Reduce IQ Levels Long Term

Living in a polluted area as a pre-teen and teenager may have long-lasting, detrimental effects on a person’s ability to reason and problem solve, a new study suggests.

Researchers at the University of Southern California and UCLA Center for Health Policy Research tracked more than 1,300 pre-teens living in neighborhoods across Los Angeles and surrounding counties over a 12-year period.

How Postpartum Depression Affects Mothers and Babies

As Sofia’s pediatrician, I couldn’t miss her mother’s overwhelming signs of postpartum depression. It’s a threat to the wellbeing of babies, their mothers and families.

Nationwide, depression affects 10 to 25 percent of all pregnant women during the perinatal period, defined as three months before pregnancy to one year after giving birth. Across California, the rate is about 20 percent, and in Los Angeles County, it’s 26 percent.

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