It’s not unusual for Debra Rush to receive a late night phone call from law enforcement agents who have just completed a human trafficking bust and need her help caring for trafficking survivors. When Rush rescues a young survivor from one of these situations, she knows all too well the horrors they’ve endured.
Author: Linda Childers
Nora Nicholson, who lost her son to stillbirth, is focused on preventing other parents from facing similar tragedies. As the California ambassador for Count the Kicks, Nicholson’s job is to encourage expectant mothers throughout the state to count their baby’s kicks in the third trimester of their pregnancy. A decrease in kicks may indicate in-utero distress.
Twenty percent of all school-aged children in this country have vision problems, and low-income children and children of color are disproportionately likely to have unmet vision care needs.
By downloading the free Concrn mobile app, the general public can use their smartphone to report non-emergency crisis situations involving the homeless. Their reports are checked out by Concrn staff, like Neil Shah, a compassionate responder for the non-profit community-based crisis reporting service.
On any given night, 3,665 people experience homelessness in Sacramento. Five days a week, two nurses take to the streets to care for medically vulnerable residents who live under bridges, in alleys or in tents along the river.
Riverside County effectively ended veteran homelessness last year. Now, the city of Riverside is hoping to use the same successful model to help non-veterans secure housing. The city has about 400 people living on the street.
The March of Dimes Premature Birth Report Card found the preterm birth rate in California increased to 8.6 percent, reaching a six-year high. The report card also showed significant racial disparities in the state: black women, Latina and American Indian women in California had disproportionately higher rates of premature births.
A retired Catholic school principal, Taylor isn’t your typical marijuana expert. But that works in her favor, she said, as she strives to remove the stigmatization surrounding medical marijuana.
The 70-year-old plans to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Berkeley in April. Her focus will be educating seniors and minorities on the medical benefits of cannabis.
People of mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds are part of a booming demographic, but the number of mixed-race bone marrow donors remains tiny, at about 3 percent of registered donors in the U.S.
Volunteer retired physicians use telemedicine to offer specialty consults to patients, and guidance and support to community health providers, especially new physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners.