Author: Lynn Graebner

Statewide Campaign to Reduce Unnecessary C-Sections

Women in California with low-risk deliveries having their first babies have between a 12 percent and 70 percent chance of delivering by cesarean section. But where they fall on that spectrum depends less on medical necessity than on where they deliver their baby.

Medi-Cal Funding Will Support Housing the Chronically Homeless

Will Nebbitt suffers from seizures and painful blood clots in his legs that prevent him from walking very far. A former addict, he spent more than 25 of his 59 years in prison and almost the rest of his adult life homeless. Men like Nebbitt usually die young and on the street, yet he’s had a home for two years after help from a Los Angeles County program based on a radical new approach to health care.

Feds Give Public Hospitals Financial Incentives to Care for the Uninsured

Eva, an undocumented immigrant and single mother in Bakersfield who harvests grapes to support her three children, suffered from daily hemorrhaging for eight months after delivering her third child. A physician at a federally-funded community clinic sent her to the hospital to get a biopsy for a uterine growth. But despite many trips to the emergency room to treat her symptoms, she was told that she would have to pay $450 before they would perform a biopsy.

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