California Health Report TV – Episode 3

California Health Report TV – Episode 3 from California Health Report on Vimeo.

For this episode we gathered inspirational personal stories with broader community implications from around the state.

First we go to Concord, where Alex Chavez had gained so much weight that he felt helpless to do anything to improve his health. Then he learned about Cooking Matters– a cooking class that makes a healthy lifestyle affordable.

Next we go to Los Angeles, where Oliver Brown developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder growing up on the streets of Hollywood, until the non-profit organization My Friend’s Place helped him find a path to an independent and healthy lifestyle.

Then we go to South Los Angeles, a community with some of the highest obesity rates in the country. Almost a third of the adults living there are obese. Now a handful of residents are trying to bring fresh food and health awareness into the area by planting edible gardens in an area riddled with fast food restaurants.

Finally, California Health Report Editor-in-Chief, Daniel Weintraub interviews State Health and Human Services Secretary Diana Dooley not about health care- but about health – and all the things we can do as individuals and communities to keep ourselves healthier, so we don’t need to go to a doctor or a hospital or worry that much about the quality of our insurance coverage.

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