Conference on 9/23 to focus on health reform

Capitol Weekly and the University of California, UC Center present Health Care: California, a conference examining the California health care landscape, one year into the Affordable Care Act. This event will be filmed for later broadcast by the California Channel.HealthCare2014

The day-long conference will be held in Sacramento on September 23, 2014. Click HERE to reserve your seat!

We will examine the impact of the ACA on California, including the role of the Health Benefit Exchange – the single most important state piece of the federal ACA. Launched on October 1 2014, the Exchange has affected millions of people and has had a profound impact on California’s health care market place.

8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Check in, coffee

9 a.m. – 9: 15 a.m. Welcoming remarks Tim Foster, Capitol Weekly, A. G. Block, UC Center

9:20 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Panel 1 Show me the Money, Financial Impacts of the Affordable Care Act in California

Moderator: Ben Adler, Capital Public Radio

Charles Bacchi, California Association of Health Plans; John Kabateck, National Federation of Independent Business; David Panush, Covered California; Micah Weinberg, Senior Policy Adviser, Bay Area Council

10:45 am. – 11:55 a.m.

Panel 2 Consumers, Who’s Helped, Who’s Hurt, Who’s In, Who’s Out?

Moderator: Emily Bazar, CHCF Center for Health Reporting

Dr. Ron Chapman, California Department of Public Health; Carla Saporta, Greenlining Institute;Anthony Wright, Health Access; Daniel Zingale, California Endowment

Luncheon: Noon

Keynote: Diana S. Dooley, Chair of Covered California, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency; Introduced by John Howard, Capitol Weekly

12:55 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.

Panel 3 Medi-Cal, A Big Piece of the Puzzle

Moderator: Kevin Riggs, Randle Communications

Dr. Toby Douglas, Department of California Health Care Services; Doug Kim, California Primary Care Association; Anne McLeod, California Hospital Association; Cathy Senderling-McDonald, County Welfare Directors Association of California; Francisco Silva, California Medical Association

2:20 p.m. – 3:30 p.m

Panel 4 The Politics and Problems Where Do We Go From Here?

Moderator: Dan Weintraub, California Health Report

Bruce Bronzan, Trilogy Integrated Resources; Richard Figueroa, California Endowment; Rex Frazier, Personal Insurance Federation of California; Kassy Perry, Perry Communications Group

Registration fee is $199 and includes lunch and all conference materials. Space is limited: click here to reserve your seat today!

Health Care: California will be held at 1123 J Street in Sacramento.

For Sponsorship information, contact Tim Foster at 916 444 7665 or or Michelle Matheson at 916 669 9372 or

For Registration information contact Kathy Brown at 916 444 7665 or

For questions about content, please contact John Howard at 916 444-7665 or

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